One of the things that I was not looking forward to about leaving Fort Collins and moving to CA was how congested everything here is. I loved the wide open spaces that were so easily accessible to me in FC.
Well, of course God knows that. He knows my heart and it's desires. So guess what's just minutes from my house? WIDE OPEN SPACES. And after driving about half and hour, we came to a beautiful area called the Putah Creek.
to this...
It was so peaceful. The water was pretty cold, but the kids had a great time playing and getting really dirty.
It was such a great spot that Adam asked Ron to baptize him right there. I ended up not getting any pictures because I was taking video the whole time, but here's Adam and his dog, before getting dunked.
I'm so thankful for the blessing of that day. The peace and quiet. The wide open spaces and feeling like we were away from everything. And getting to watch my husband baptize my oldest child.
- Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
- to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
- Ephesians 3:20-21
Here's Tatum. She couldn't stand not being in the water with Ron and jumped right in.
that is soooo awesome!
gorgeous location too! can't wait to hike there with you!
So more ways than one. I'm so glad that you were able to capture that on video. I hope that I can have a similar experience with my kids someday.
That is hands down the best thing I've read or even heard today. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Jennifer..this is so totally amazing to see what the Lord is doing there in Calif. already. Your blog is a great encouragement to me to read MORE scripture and center on Him...always! matter matter what!! Thank you for your honest and real heart!
That is a beautiful story! It is awesome that Adam is growing up to be a Godly man! Congratulations to Adam and to you!
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