Tuesday, August 31, 2010

sew cool!

I am sew excited!
(Yes, I know I'm a dork.)
I have been wanting to start sewing for quite a while now
but it just hasn't happened.
Until now!
My friend Katy was visiting from Minnesota last week,
so I drug her down to Old Town to this new and super cute fabric store.
We picked out a pattern and some fabric
and she very patiently helped me get started and I made this!

It's called a Gumdrop Pillow and it was super easy to make, which is a good thing
because the kids have been fighting over it and I think I might need to make three more.
Or at least one more.
With monkeys on it.

Here is one of the many things Kate has been doing with it...

I'm kind of addicted to the whole sewing thing now.
I've made Kate a little tote bag and matching wallet and a quilt for her dolls.
Now I'm working on a tote bag for myself and I also
bought fabric and a pattern to make myself a shirt.
I can't wait for my mom to come out
and help me with that one.
Oh, and the skirt that I want to make but I don't know
how to do an elastic waistband.
And then there's zippers!

Can you say addict?
I think I'm going to have to go get a job to support my new habit.
Maybe that cute fabric store is hiring...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Mark got poked in the eye today while playing tag at recess,
so I got to go pick him up from school
and take him to the eye doctor to get checked out.

Can you tell he was completely thrilled to be there?
He wanted to push those buttons so badly he was about to crawl out of his skin!

Fortunately, all that is wrong is that his eye is bruised
and he has a small abrasion,
both of which the doctor said should heal up within a couple days.
We're thankful that it wasn't anything worse,
because it sure looked like it might have been.
I think he is a little disappointed he didn't get to go home with an eye patch.
Then he could have been a pirate like his uncle Todd.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

silly boy

Gregory was taking pictures of himself
in the car on the way home
from school yesterday.
He was cracking himself up!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

first day of school

I can not believe how fast this past summer has gone by!
Here's the kids this morning before heading off to school.
Adam told me that under no circumstances
was I allowed to take a picture of him
once we got to school, so we got a
couple shots in the driveway and off we went.