Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I've been wanting to do this I Spy thing that I've seen on several other blogs, but just never got around to it. But today, I thought I'd have at it and snap some pictures around my house.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I started Christmas shopping

Go check out this

and this

and then start your Christmas shopping as well.

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' " Matthew 25:40

Sunday, November 1, 2009

MIA, part 2

more pictures of the goings on around here...

The school has a "Country Fair" every year as their big fundraiser. There were all kinds of games, food, prizes, etc. The kids had a great time. Here's Mark with his war paint.

Kate catching a donut. Her favorite game of the night.

Kate, a root beer float, and a friend, makes for one happy girl!

It was really windy for a couple days and this is how I found the wagon one morning. So glad I caught it before it was at the bottom of the pool!

I went along with Gregory's class on a field trip to see the King Tut exhibit at a museum downtown San Francisco.

That's all for now.

Happy November 1st!


Well, for the whopping two of you that read this little blog, I apologize for having posted nothing new in so long. We've been settling in to our new routine/life here and as Solomon says, "...there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecc. 1:9)

The kids are doing well in school, getting used to all the new rules and making new friends. Ron is back in his role of Mr. Moulton, math teacher to be feared, using the gifts God has blessed him with. And I'm still trying to catch up on laundry, organize cupboards, and enjoying my Friday morning bible study.

Here are some pictures of a few of things we've been up to...

Ron, Adam, & Gregory drove south for a USC football game.

Then another weekend it was Mark's turn to go.

Ron and Adam went to the Rock of Ages concert in Calistoga and saw Christafari as well as other bands. They went with a group of people from our church and had a great day. This is Adam and Mark Mohr from Christafari. I've known Mark since we were 8, so it's kind of funny for me to see him with dreds and to hear him singing reggae on his CD's. Very cool to see what God is doing through him though!

VCS (Ron and the kids school) has a sister school downtown San Francisco and Ron and Gregory went down there for a work day to help get the building in better shape for the students down there.

More pictures to come in another post...