Friday, December 10, 2010

Please pray for Samuel

Go here to learn about Samuel
and his fight for his precious little life.

Samuel's father,
who has endured many of his own
long and painful trials,
grew up at the same church that I did.

Please be praying for this family.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'tis the Season

We're still working on up-packing
and arranging stuff from the move,
but that didn't stop Mark and Kate
from pulling out all the Christmas decorations
Thanksgiving weekend.

They had such a fun time putting everything
right where they thought it should go.
It sure looks interesting (aka: messy!)
but they had a blast and I hardly
lifted a finger.

This past weekend they got Ron to get a tree
which they then decorated pretty much
all by themselves.
It's so fun to see how excited they get
and how well they get along when they're
doing something together that
they enjoy so much.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

totally random

Here are a few quick pics from the last month...

Kate and her friends all ready to Trick or Treat around the new neighborhood.

Scary Mark.

Adam and his friends heading off to Homecoming.

Gregory behind a camera. One of his favorite places.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

when in doubt, bake something

After powering through a bunch of boxes this morning,
I was ready for a break.
My sister told me about a recipe for some really yummy cookies
that she made and I wanted to give them a try.
I couldn't find the exact ingredients,
so I varied it a little and here's what I came up with .

Mix a box of cake mix,
a can of pumpkin,
and half a bag of white chocolate chips together.
Bake for 13 minutes at 350
and voila!

Super duper yuminess!!!
They're really little, so they end up being the perfect size
to just pop one (or maybe 5)
in your mouth.

The original recipe calls for
a box of yellow cake mix
a can of pumpkin
and a bag of cinnamon chips.
I still want to try those,
but I haven't been able to find any cinnamon chips yets.
Oh, and I almost forgot,
I added some chopped pecans to mine too.

And I've got this in the crockpot for dinner.
Here's to new recipes
to get me out of my cooking rut!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We went from a view of this...

to a view of this.

And a view of this...

to a view of this.

We're still buried under boxes,
but it feels so good to be

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

busy, busy, busy

We have had back
to back
to back
the last five weeks.
It's been super fun, but now it's back to reality.
Which for us right now involves finishing up packing the house
because we are moving one week from tomorrow.
I took a bunch of pictures of the chaos
we are living in these days,
and some pretty pictures of the leaves changing colors,
but then we packed the thingy I need to get the pictures from my camera
on to the computer and over here to this neglected little blog.

Since I don't like posting without a picture,
I thought I'd share an old picture of the monkey.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

not so wordless Wednesday

Ron and I got to have a wonderful little getaway this past weekend.
It was super relaxing, we got to catch up with
some of our best friends,
we made some new friends,
and my man got to golf on a course that had views like this...

I'm pretty sure that's what heaven will look like for Ron.

Now I'm off to the airport to pick up my mom.
Hope she's ready for the insane amount of work I've got waiting for her.
You just gotta love moms!
And maybe while she's packing up my house
I'll have a chance to post some more pictures from
our super fun fantastic weekend.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

colorful morning

As we were leaving our neighborhood this morning,
we saw this hot air balloon
lifting off from our neighbors yard.

Too cool!

After I dropped the kids off and was almost home
I saw it out over some corn fields near our house.
I'd say that's a pretty good way to spend a beautiful morning.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

flea market :: edited to add pictures

This was one of the first booths (tents actually) that we saw when we arrived.
I immediately fell in love with the distressed green bed for Kate.
I decided to keep on walking and if it was still there
when we made our way back around...

Long story short, Kate has a new bed!

It was super cold (high 40's)
and drizzling the whole time we were there,
so we didn't stay too long
and I didn't get very many pictures.

But it was still a lot of fun and I'm really glad we went.
We even ran in to a couple girls that I know from church.
They had some awesome art work that I would
have loved to have gotten, but the bed won this time.
Maybe next month.

My sister and I are headed here this morning.
I can't wait!
I'll be back later today with some pictures of what we saw
and hopefully some treasures that we got to bring home.

In the meantime, you can watch this.
It's way cool!

Monday, September 13, 2010

charming handbag

After much frustration,
more time than I cared to spend with my seam ripper,
help from a friend,
and a couple of re-do's...

I finally finished the Charming Handbag.
It wasn't feeling so charming to me by the time I finished it.
But now that I know what I'm doing,
the next one will go much more smoothly.

Besides, the fabric is so darn cute it kind of makes up
for the mistakes I made and the words that may or may not
have slipped from my mouth as I was making it.
I'm just saying...

The bag is from this book if you're interested.

Friday, September 10, 2010

10 on 10 {september}

The idea is from here.
Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

9am :: Procrastination = Laundry Mountain

10 am :: Picking out a sewing project for the day

11am :: Lunch

Noon :: Loving the all the colors in these fabrics

1pm :: Happily playing

2pm :: Listening to Pandora while we work

3pm :: Picking the kids up from school

4pm :: Project central

5pm :: Adam is home from Camp T

6pm :: Lazy dinner

Thursday, September 9, 2010

They're here...

We're so excited to have my sister and niece here for a visit.
It's a short one, but we're going to pack in
tons of fun and have a blast!

(photo taken by 3 year old natalie)

The kids are all at school and we're heading to Snooze
and then the fabric store.
For starters...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday Tidbit

Bible study started up again this morning,
and as usual
I was smacked up-side the head
with some good stuff.
I was thinking that maybe
if I took the time to write some of it down,
it would sink in and last a little longer.

I'm doing the Beth Moore study
To Live Is Christ
and it's about the life of the apostle Paul.
Should be good.

Anyway, in the midst of her teaching
that we were watching
she said...

"God is more interested in our restoration
than in our rescue."

It goes right along with something a friend
said to me yesterday,
that in our constantly searching to know
God's will for our lives,
the one thing we know for sure
is that His will is our sanctification.

UGH! To be honest,
sometimes I just don't like to hear the truth!
But... I believe it to be The Truth,
so I will continue to press on,
knowing that the Lord loves me
in spite of me,
and being so, so thankful
that He is patient with me.

Monday, September 6, 2010

excitement the cul de sac.

There was a brush fire at the entrance to our neighborhood
the other day (which is not exciting, by the way).

This firefighter was sent to our street to fill up his tank with water
and the kids got a front row seat to watch the action.

They were too cute sitting on that rock watching him the whole time.

Thankfully, the fire(s) were all put out fairly quickly and no one was hurt.
Praise God for brave firefighters!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

sew cool!

I am sew excited!
(Yes, I know I'm a dork.)
I have been wanting to start sewing for quite a while now
but it just hasn't happened.
Until now!
My friend Katy was visiting from Minnesota last week,
so I drug her down to Old Town to this new and super cute fabric store.
We picked out a pattern and some fabric
and she very patiently helped me get started and I made this!

It's called a Gumdrop Pillow and it was super easy to make, which is a good thing
because the kids have been fighting over it and I think I might need to make three more.
Or at least one more.
With monkeys on it.

Here is one of the many things Kate has been doing with it...

I'm kind of addicted to the whole sewing thing now.
I've made Kate a little tote bag and matching wallet and a quilt for her dolls.
Now I'm working on a tote bag for myself and I also
bought fabric and a pattern to make myself a shirt.
I can't wait for my mom to come out
and help me with that one.
Oh, and the skirt that I want to make but I don't know
how to do an elastic waistband.
And then there's zippers!

Can you say addict?
I think I'm going to have to go get a job to support my new habit.
Maybe that cute fabric store is hiring...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Mark got poked in the eye today while playing tag at recess,
so I got to go pick him up from school
and take him to the eye doctor to get checked out.

Can you tell he was completely thrilled to be there?
He wanted to push those buttons so badly he was about to crawl out of his skin!

Fortunately, all that is wrong is that his eye is bruised
and he has a small abrasion,
both of which the doctor said should heal up within a couple days.
We're thankful that it wasn't anything worse,
because it sure looked like it might have been.
I think he is a little disappointed he didn't get to go home with an eye patch.
Then he could have been a pirate like his uncle Todd.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

silly boy

Gregory was taking pictures of himself
in the car on the way home
from school yesterday.
He was cracking himself up!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

first day of school

I can not believe how fast this past summer has gone by!
Here's the kids this morning before heading off to school.
Adam told me that under no circumstances
was I allowed to take a picture of him
once we got to school, so we got a
couple shots in the driveway and off we went.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

Haven't been in to the blogging thing much lately.
But I got to go visit my sister in Minneapolis this past weekend,
so I thought I'd give you the link to her blog so you can
check out some of the fun that we had.
It was a wonderful little getaway.
Thank you Kristine and Ron!
You can go here to check it out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

snow day

The kids got to have a day off of school today because we got a nice big dump of snow yesterday afternoon and evening. Today was a gorgeous sunny day with white everywhere. I wanted to post some pictures, but the battery on my camera is dead and I can not find the charger anywhere! But, my sister is here and took some pics, so as soon as I get those on my computer, I'll add them here.

As beautiful as the snow is, I'm VERY ready for spring and warmer weather. I, very spur of the moment, took the kids to California last week for their spring break, and it was so wonderful to walk around in shorts and flip flops. And to lay at the beach. I can't wait to go back this summer! I'll try and get some of the pictures from our trip up here too.

Monday, February 8, 2010

monday morning

I've made a few changes here, again. I'm really going to start trying to make a conscious effort to not spend too much time on the computer being unproductive. I do way too much of that. So I'm here for a quick hello and then on to more important things. Like laundry and sweeping the kitchen floor. Woo Hoo!

But before that I'll enjoy this...

While I'm looking out my window at this...

When I'd really LOVE to be looking at this...

Hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful week!

The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
Gracious in all His works,
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He also will hear their cry and save them.
My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord;
And all flesh shall bless His holy name
Forever and ever (Psalm 145:17-19, 21).

Friday, January 29, 2010

random thoughts

Nothing much to say, but figured since I was changing my background, AGAIN, I'd do a quick post.

I finally got motivated the last couple days to do some unpacking. Finally! Our house is actually starting to look like a house again.

I'd really like to take some pictures of the kids this weekend. It's been quite a while since I've gotten some cute ones, so hopefully it'll happen and I'll post them if I do.

Have a wonderful weekend!