I immediately fell in love with the distressed green bed for Kate.
I decided to keep on walking and if it was still there
when we made our way back around...
Long story short, Kate has a new bed!
and drizzling the whole time we were there,
so we didn't stay too long
and I didn't get very many pictures.
We even ran in to a couple girls that I know from church.
They had some awesome art work that I would
have loved to have gotten, but the bed won this time.
Maybe next month.
My sister and I are headed here this morning.
I can't wait!
I'll be back later today with some pictures of what we saw
and hopefully some treasures that we got to bring home.
In the meantime, you can watch this.
It's way cool!
congrats on the bed! super cute! too bad about the weather...it was fun to check this out with you!
I wish I could have gone! I've been trying to get there ALL summer! (I'm actually thinking about getting a booth next year? But I'm pretty chicken...) I'm glad you had a good time. And I can't wait to see Kate's cute bed! Will you be working on some new bedding for her perhaps?
Oh man! I've been seeing lots of blogs with Flea Market pix. I'm sooooo jealous. Looks like so much fun.
i love the color and lines of that bed! i had to enlarge it get a closer look. i love it!!
we had record highs today so cold and rainy sounds so nice right about now. :)
congrats jennifer! you won the pleated poppy giveaway on my blog. when you have time hop over to my place and send me an email with your email address. then i'll get you set up with lindsey so you can spend that $25 credit. :)
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