Thursday, September 24, 2009

library tour

When I was growing up I almost always had my nose in a book. I loved to read! Still do. Every now and then I'd read a book that at some point mentioned there being a library in the house. I always thought that would be the coolest thing. I dreamed of growing up and some day having a library of my own in my house. Well, that hasn't happened, most likely won't happen, and honestly, at this point, I wouldn't want to dust all those books.

But back to being a little girl. If I had just had the creativity back then of a certain seven year old boy that I'm honored to call my son, I could have, in fact, had my very own library in my house.

And for most of last week, I had just that.

Welcome to the Library

If you're just learning how to read, here is the "esey to read" section.

Interesting movie selection at this library...

Chapter Books

The best kind of "storis"

This cracks me up. Because the other sections weren't fiction?

This one took me a minute to figure out. LOVE IT!!!

And every good library should have a cat, curled up in the corner, sound asleep.


kristine said...

that is AWESOME! i need marky to come label my library!

Anonymous said...

That's so great! I can't believe he spelled fiction right. Ben brought some class work home today that had the word read (sounds like red) already spelled for him at the top but he spelled it rede. Huh?

By the way, where do you find all of the cool background images? And how did you find out how to edit your HTML to make the image stay still while the content moved? Does that make sense?

Beth said...

I'm right there with you, Jen, about dreaming of my own library some day. And of course, if I can afford it, maybe I can afford someone to dust it. Meantime, I take Grace to storytime every week and wonder when she goes to school if I should keep coming on Wednesday mornings and just read the day away.

I'm way behind on reading your blog - did you notice? But I'm catching up. :)

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