1. Before you pack the children and all necessities in to the car and drive an hour and a half to spend the day at the beach, check the weather report for said beach. Otherwise you might arrive unprepared for the 57 degrees you are greeted with.

2a. Ross isn't that bad. We scored some rockin' deals on new school clothes and some much needed fedoras.
2b. My kids crack me up! I love that I caught Kate yelling at Mark for giving her bunny ears and Adam and Gregory are completely tuning them out so they can pose for the picture.

3. The Golden Gate bridge is still amazing. It was so fun to get to share it with the kids today. They thought it was totally cool and Mark reminded us all to be very careful and not jump off. He then climbed up on the wall so he could see it better.

4. If I have to sit in stop and go traffic for almost an hour, I want it to be as I'm driving through Napa Valley looking at vineyard after vineyard.

5. If you take your children to a cheap hair cut store in a town you've never been to and have no idea if it's any good, you have a 50/50 chance of those haircuts turning out ok. Good thing school doesn't start for four more weeks.

We had a wonderful day today experiencing new things and rolling with it as our plans didn't work out the way we thought they would. Everyone decided that a mini road trip discovering a new place is something we should do much more often. The only thing missing was Daddy, who was stuck in Sacramento at an AP Calculus seminar. Fortunately he'll be with us next week when we head out somewhere new. Stay tuned...
1 comment:
wow you really came home with the fedoras! nice! your kids crack me up too! i miss them! :(
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