After powering through a bunch of boxes this morning,
I was ready for a break.
My sister told me about a recipe for some really yummy cookies
that she made and I wanted to give them a try.
I couldn't find the exact ingredients,
so I varied it a little and here's what I came up with .

Mix a box of cake mix,
a can of pumpkin,
and half a bag of white chocolate chips together.
Bake for 13 minutes at 350
and voila!
Super duper yuminess!!!
They're really little, so they end up being the perfect size
to just pop one (or maybe 5)
in your mouth.
The original recipe calls for
a box of yellow cake mix
a can of pumpkin
and a bag of cinnamon chips.
I still want to try those,
but I haven't been able to find any cinnamon chips yets.
Oh, and I almost forgot,
I added some chopped pecans to mine too.
And I've got
this in the crockpot for dinner.
Here's to new recipes
to get me out of my cooking rut!